Sunday, October 30, 2011

Baked Eggs With Chorizo and Tomatoes

I must confess that I am a morning person! Even on weekends I am up and about by 7:00am. Most of my friends would probably still be in bed and I do know some think I am mad to be up so early. But I find lazing in bed to be such a waste of time. By the time some of friends wake up at 10:00am I would have walked my dog, done my laundry and even gone to the supermarket to buy my groceries.

Baked eggs 1

One thing I do like about weekend mornings is breakfast. To me, these are the two days in the week that I do get to enjoy this meal. Sometimes I even treat myself to a "special" breakfast at home.

Baked eggs 6

This particular weekend was one of those "special" Sundays. I first had Baked Eggs when I was having a weekday breakfast at Riders Cafe. They were so good that I decided to try and replicate it at home. The dish came out beautifully done and I dunked pieces of toast into the ramekins to soak up every single bit of the baked eggs.

Baked eggs 2

Baked Eggs with Chorizo and Tomatoes
Serve: 2


4 medium size eggs
50g sliced spicy chorizo sausage
1 large ripe tomatoe, chopped into 1" square (remove the seeds)
2 Tbsp thickened cream
8 basil leaves, roughly torn
Salt and pepper to taste


1) Pre-heat the oven to 180C. Lightly oil the insides of two one-cup size ramekins.

2) Divide the chopped tomatoes, basil leaves and chorizo sausage evenly and place into the 2 ramekins.

3) Then break 2 eggs into each ramekin. Season with salt and pepper. Drizzle 1 Tbsp of thickened cream on top of the eggs in each ramekin.

4) Bake the eggs until the whites are set and the yolk is frim around the edges but soft in the center. This should take about 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and serve immediately with toast or crusty bread.

Baked eggs 3

Baked eggs 4

Baked eggs 5


  1. Oh this looks like a fabulous breakfast that even a non morning person can wake up early for! Live that creamy runny yolk with crunch toast and spicy sausage, yum! Will try this next time, tks!

  2. Gosh! This looks so good and posh to have it at home! Thanks for sharing this!

  3. I am not a morning person at all. So much so that always ended up skipping bf on weekends. But it's a good habit to wake up early. especially to something so delicious looking.

  4. You know I love baked egg for breakfast. I love your version and your photos are amazing :)

  5. WANT! I wake up early every morning too but I hate cooking in the morning for some weird reason. I usually have cereal or oats.

  6. A delicious breakfast can be so easy to put together. I never knew that until I started baking eggs like this too!

  7. I'm a morning person too and get up early on weekends on public holidays, just like you...

    And with a sumptious breakfast like that, I'll be at your place before the cock crows! hehe..

  8. Gorgeous photos, I would love some for the breakfast too.

  9. i love your photography. They look yum but do you think it can be made with another type of sausage?

  10. Hi BB, I love the runny yolk as well .. yum! And still thinking about it too!

    Hi Jane, go give this a try coz you don't have to get out your frying pan - that's the best part.

    Hi Wiffy and Ann, you could have this for brunch instead of breakfast. :P

    Hi kankana, thanks for dropping by.

    Hi tigerfish, me too until I knew about baked eggs. What a saver it is.

    Hi Candice and Angie, I would too if someone was making this for me.

    Hi Iva, thanks. In fact you could use any type of sausages. You may want to quickly brown it first before adding it to the eggs. Other options to experiment with would be salami and streaky fried bacon or bacon bits. If you want to keep it to just vegetarian, how about adding some sauteed sliced mushrooms.

  11. hi just registered ,, tina
