Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pizza Revisited

Ever since I first learnt how to make pizza through a Daring Bakers challenge, I have not ordered a "home delivery" pizza since! Ok I confess I have on a couple of occassions bought frozen pizza from the supermarket. And that's purely because our favourite brand was on sale. Does this count?

I used a thin crust recipe which I had tried previously with much success. Only half the dough was used,which was sufficient to come up with two round 15" pizzas, and the remaining dough went into the freezer for another pizza treat.

For the first pizza I added sliced fresh button mushrooms, salami, tomatoes and topped it off with grated mozzarella and parmesan.

The second pizza was a hawaiian pizza and I used sliced honey baked ham and chunks of canned pineapple topped with mozarrella and parmesan. Both pizzas were extremely crispy and delicious - nothing smells better than a fresh pizza in the oven. I'm now thinking of getting a pizza stone!


  1. Nice Pizza! Remind me to bake my own pizza real soon. ;)

  2. I love homemade pizza! Love all the toppings you put on, especially on the Hawaiian pizza.

  3. I would love a slice of this pizza right now. Very tempting!

  4. yuuum...looks so good! I enjoy making pizza too!

  5. Wow, wow and wow! Nothing like homemade, thin crust pizza! And you made such beautiful ones. Kudos! I am craving pizza now.

  6. I think your pizza looks perfect!

    Off to read about your Hanoi trip... I hope you had a great time in my home town.

  7. So true...once you try making a restaurant/take out dish at home, you're hooked. Homemade pizza is really nice.

  8. Delicious pizza! Love homade pizza. they taste so good as compared to take out. It's time for me to make some.
