Monday, May 30, 2011

Farewell to a Faithful Companion

My faithful companion, Benji, passed over to doggie heaven last Friday. He was fourteen and a half years old. In doggie age he is considered really old - in fact older than my dad. In my head I knew he would not have many years left but nothing really prepares you when the time is near and in this case unexpected.

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Benji at his age has had his fair share of aches and pains. He has had inter-digital cyst on his paws for many, many years. We have taken him to so many vets over a span of four years and none could diagnosed what was wrong with him. Finally we found a vet who told us what that it was inter-digital cyst. Something that is pretty rare in Singapore. The vet said that there was nothing much we could do as by this time his front right paw was swollen until his paw pad were turned upwards. The vet said he could operate to ease the pressure on his paw but it would have meant amputing one of his digits. We were totally against it especially after hearing that the problem would eventually come back again. Benji was already eleven years old by this time. He didn't seem to be in much pain unless the cyst flared up and he would have some open sores on his paws. The sores would disappear in less than a week's time and in-between I would dab tea-tree oil on the open wound to sterilize it.

Last Friday morning, I would as usual give Benji and Milo (my younger shitzu) their morning meals. Benji did not eat much the night before and that particular morning, he didn't have much appetite as well. I gave them a quick treat before leaving, saying my good byes. I was slightly home later than normal timing that evening, arriving home at 7.30pm. Milo greeted me at the door and Benji was asleep (or so I thought at that time) on his cushion. I dumped my bag and some groceries on the dining table and went towards Benji wondering why he had still not moved at all. Upon looking closely I noticed his stomach was not going up and down with breathing motions. I could not help but scream in my head "no, no it can't be". I immediately touched Benji and he felt cold in my hands. I knew then that my faithful companion was gone. He was in a sleeping position on his favourite cushion and I can only hope that he had passed on quietly, without any pain, in his sleep.

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For a small little dog, Benji was quite a character. He has always been an independent dog, doing his own thing and had a mind of his own. If he was not happy about things he would definitely show it. I remember one time when I was on holiday, I had to put Benji in a pet boarding place. When Benji was sent back to the flat by the boarder upon my return, he absolutely ignored me for the entire day. I think he was showing me his displeasure for being sent away to a strange place.

I am sure wherever my faithful companion is right now, he would be enjoying his after-life and meeting a lot of doggie friends and probably snifing their butts too. Rest in Peace Benji - you have been a faithful friend!

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  1. Jo, I am so sad to read about Benji. Benji still looks very sweet even at his age and he reminds me my about two dogs and two cats that I loved them dearly. I really missed them a lot even now....

  2. i feel sad when i read about Benji's story and how he was such a wonderful companion to your family and you. Benji is so lovely! im sorry to hear about your lost. hope you cheer up

  3. I am not a pet person but I can imagine how sad it must have been for you and family. May the wonderful memories always stay with you.

  4. So sad to hear your news, we too have recently lost a beautiful friend and this was Kyrie, she was diagnosed with acute anemia and did for a while respond to medication but sadly it was not to be and when we got her to the vets it was too late for them to help she just passed away in our arms. We too believe that she is somewhere in doggy heaven getting up to her usual antics. We have a lot of memories as I am sure you do to. Take care. Sue x

  5. I felt yr pain but I am sure he gave you plenty of precious moments.

  6. sorry to hear that...i have a pet dog at home as well. i understand how you feel

  7. It is hard to let go when someone dear to you has passed on. The good memories of Benji will live on in you!

  8. Jo, Benji had enjoyed his life with you and your family. It's sad but without regret.

  9. I'm sorry for your loss. He had a good life with you and will live on in your heart.

  10. My condolences. I'm sure Benji had a wonderful life spending it with such a wonderful owner/friend like you.  And Benji is at a happy place now up there, plus it's good that Benji had a peaceful pass on.

  11. So sad and shock too! Being a proud owner of 7 shih tzus, I can totally understand your pain! Hope you and Milo are copping well with the lost. RIP Benji!

  12. What a beautiful Dog. May he rest in peace.

  13. Sorry to hear about your loss Jo. May Benji rest in peace.

  14. Hi all, many thanks for your condolences. Benji was a very good friend. Milo is now getting more attention and more walks.

  15. I just discovered your blog and this is the first thing I read. I too have a senior "puppy" He is 13 and showing his age. My heart knows he won't be here much longer with all the health problems he has..... Mahalo for sharing your story. It always helps to know there are others out there that love their babies as much as I do.
