Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Red Bean Flower Bun

When I first saw these flower buns my first thought was "how pretty they were" and knew immediately that I would love to try my hand at making them. Luckily for me I had some left over red bean paste in the fridge so all I really needed to do was to make the bread dough.

flower bun 2

I really do like making bread especially when I don't have to knead the dough by hand. I leave this job to my trusty KitchenAid (boy am I glad I own one)and it is definitely a breeze! As with any bread recipes, it's not the kneading that takes up your time, it's the rising of the dough. If the recipe requires two rising, then you better set aside at least four to five hours to tackle the recipe. I found this bun to be extremely delicious on the day it was baked. The bread however hardens a bit the next day but if you warm it up quickly in a microwave, it becomes soft again. Altogether a delicious recipe and great for kids who love red bean paste.

flower bun 1

flower bun 3

Red Bean Flower Bun
Recipe Adapted from Happy Home Baking


143g fresh milk (I used HL low-fat fresh milk)
35g egg (about 1/2 an egg)
25g caster sugar
1/4 tsp salt
250g bread flour
4g instant yeast
38g butter (unsalted)

For the Filing: Store bought red bean paste


1) Place milk, egg, followed by caster sugar, salt, bread flour and yeast into a large mixing bowl. Using a dough hook knead the mixture for about 12 to 15 minutes on number 2 of your KA. If the dough is still moist, sprinkle with a little bit more bread flour. The dough should be kneaded until it forms a ball and is no longer sticking to the side of the mixing bowl.

2) Lightly oil a separate bowl. Remove dough from the mixing bowl and place in th oiled dough. Coat the dough with the oil and then cover the bowl with cling wrap. Let proof for 60 mins.

3) Remove dough and punch out the gas.

4) Divide dough into 60g pieces and shape into balls. Let the doughs rest and relax for 20 mins. (this ‘relaxing’ time is needed so that the dough will be easier to roll out and shaped). Lightly cover with cling wrap.

4) On a lightly floured surface, flatten one dough into a round disk. Place 35g of red bean paste (rolled into a ball) in the middle of the disk and wrap the filing with the dough. Pinch the joints to ensure that each dough ball is sealed completed.

5) Again, flatten the ball down using a rolling pin. Using a very sharp knife, make deep cuts all the way down around the dough. This will give the bread the flower shape.

6) Brush the top of the bread with a little egg wash and then sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake in a pre-heated oven of 190C for about 18 - 25 minutes.

flower bun 6

flower bun 4

flower bun 5


  1. The flower shape is very cute! What a treat.

  2. i like the change of your blog's design (:
    the bun look so lovely and yummy! (:

  3. Yummy looking flowery buns! ;)

  4. Hi Jo,
    I like your new look! Very refreshing and adorable! Your flower buns look very pretty too!

  5. Wow, that's a very interesting recipe and I love the flower shape of the buns!!! I will definitely give these a try :)

  6. Nice buns! And great a new look for your blog! Always nice to have a change :)

  7. Great job! These look just perfect and nice photos too.

  8. I love red bean bun. The flower cut is so adorable. I wish I can take a bite on them right now. Pretty!

  9. Oh, these are so pretty! I will have to try this shape next time I make bread!

  10. They look so pretty ! They look more like red bean (Chinese) biscuits than a bun.

  11. Those look mouthwatering! I had flower shaped pastry buns before...but I love your yeast dough buns more.

  12. Your buns turned out so beautifully and I agree with the others, I love your new blog skin :D)!! It makes everything look more professional :)!

  13. jesus, that looks amazing and so tasty!

    check my dishes and tell me what you think! :)

  14. How cute! I'd never seen anything like it. Might need to try it

  15. i love red bean buns.. the last I ate was in Korea where they added some streusel topping on it.. even more yum! maybe you can try that :)

  16. brinkka2011 says: Remarkably! Thanks!

  17. Looks yum! What do you do with the butter?

  18. Jo,do you need to proof the buns after making the deep cuts or bake immediately after cutting?
