As I take a look at the number of recipe folders I've created in my computer's hard drive, the numerous pictures taken, the recipes tried and tested, I shake my head in disbelief and realize I've certainly come a long way. I've no regrets todate, although sometimes I struggle to think of what I'll be cooking or baking over the weekend. Don't get me wrong, it's not stressful thoughts but rather thoughts of so many recipes to try out there ..... which should I pick!
So in celebrating my blog's first anniversary, I would like to give away a set of wine bottle holders (wine not included) to three lucky bloggers. The wine holders come in a set which actually resembles a male and female chinese costume. The costumes are called qípáo. However they are probably better known as "changshan" for the male costume and "cheongsam" for the female costume. All you need to do is leave a comment in this post and make a link of this gift away in your blog. Three lucky bloggers will be randomly picked by my hubby (he is definitely non-bias as he doesn't read my blog). You have until next Wednesday, 20 May to leave a comment - make sure that I am able to contact you in the event you are one of the lucky three.

In addition to celebrating my blog's first anniversary, we also celebrated Milo's fifth birthday. He is my younger Shitzu and a very playful one at that. He is a real cutie pie and extremely lovable. I don't think there is a single mean bone in his body. He simply thinks everyone is a friend. Every time my hubby and I come back to the apartment, Milo will greet us at the door with happy whimpers and his ears will be curled back behind his head. To celebrate his B DAY I made him a special treat.

Hatrik........Happy Anniversary......Wish you have many more yumy years to come........Happy Birthday Milo.....Milo looks very cuuuuuuuuuuuuuute........Wine holders look awesome....You rcok Jo....
Happy blogaversary and happy birthday to the adorable Milo! Very neat gift away!
Happy blogiversary, the wine holders are cute. I love the dish you prepared for Milo.
Milo is sooooooooooo cute!! Happy blogaversary!
Happy Blog Anniversary Jo. Wish you many many delicious years ahead :)
And i just loved you wine bottle holders. You've chosen a lovely gift for the give away..
Wow, congrats on all the three... One year of blogging seems interesting and nice that I met you here... Your Milo looks cute and wonderful... Hope he had a great bday!!! Love the pic he stands in front of his treat smart one!!!
Awwwwwwww... everything is so cute!!! :D
Happy 1st blog anniversary! *hug*
Happy 5th birthday, Milo! *pats his head*
Happy bloggiversary! The bottle holders looks so cute :)
Happy Birthday Milo. Such a cutie. My daughter will not let go if she ever meet Milo. hahaha
Congrats on your 1 year milestone and many more to come.
Happy Blog Birthday & to your doggie, Milo!
your dog is adorable!!!!
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